ARMEBS4  revision-26.06.2015
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 1234567]
 Before mainFunctions called before main
 Board support packageSupport for common devices (buttons, leds, ...)
 BusBus abstraction layer
 SPI busSPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) bus
 USART busUSART (Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) bus.USART or UART implements the RS232 specification
 i2c busI2c bus.

 GPIO (General Purpose I/O)
 GPIO Interrupts
 AndrosensorCommunication with an android device
 MiscMiscellaneous functions
 Onboard peripherals
 AccelerometerMeasures the acceleration force that is applied to the board
 External EEPROMStores board SN, MAC address and Touchscreen calibration
 GyroscopeMeasures the board's rate of rotation
 Light Sensor
 SD card
 DelaysProvides a simple way to delay (active wait)
 Timeout functionsProvides a simple way to manage time and timeouts
 Status (or errors)Error codes
 Macro automatically defined
 Project configurationConfiguration options for the current project
 ST functions
 AUDIO_SYNCHPROCESSThis file is the Header file for stm32_audio_synchprocess.c
 STM32_AUDIO_PLAYERThis file is the header file for the stm32 audio player module
 STM32F4xx StdPeriph Driver
 Standard C functions
 Toolchain provided
 stdio redirectionStdio redirection for newlib